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(licensed and entered according to order.) The historical catechism: containing ingenious answers to many notable questions of several wonderful matters in ancient history. As, What is the opinion of our historians about the apple old mother Eve tempted Adam with. Why the devil should take the shape of a serpent. Of the building the tower of Babel, nine miles round, by five hundred thousand men, who left off, being confounded in their language. Also, several questions about Sodom and Gomorah, Noah's ark, and Solomon's temple; informing us, from scripture, what day that was that the like was never before, nor shall be again. A full account of the destruction of Jerusalem, and how the Jews were dispersed and scattered over the face of the earth. Josephus's and the Romans account of our Saviour, and the miracles wrought at his birth; with a wonderful apparition that appeared at Mahomer's tomb. The wonderful prophecies of the ten sibyls. A marvellous relation of the seven sleepers, who slept above two hundred years.
History and Geography
printed for Robert Turner, In the year