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The fundamental doctrines which are contained in the Holy Scriptures, consisting of I. The experimental knowledge of our own misery by original sin, which have desiled the whole man, from whence all actual sin doth flow. II. That we have no power as of ourselves, by nature to turn to God. III. That our best works cannot make satisfaction for one sin, to God's just and perfect law, neither in part nor whole. IV. That we are saved by the free mercy of God in Christ, through the effectual working of his holy Spirit. V. That we are pardoned, through Christ's blood, and accepted through his righteousness. VI. That we are to depend upon the Lord always, and wait upon him, in the constant use of the means of his appointment, for grace to persevere to our lives end. Laid open to the meanest capacity; with the absolute necessity of each Person, for themselves who hopes to be saved, that they should seek to have a saving Interest in Christ, in this life, which is no less, than an experimental knowlege of the Doctrines of the Gospel in their own Souls: which if they die without, they will surely perish. By William Darney.
Darney, William
Religion and Philosophy
printed by Archibald M'lean