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Micrographia nova: or, a new treatise on the Microscope, and Microscopic objects. Containing I. The Description and Use of two different Reflecting Microscopes, of a new Form and Structure, and furnish'd with a Micrometer; viz. one design'd for the Pocket, the other mounted on a Ball and Socket, which renders it of Universal Use. II. A large and particular Account of all Kinds of Microscopic Objects, to be found in the Human Body, in Quadrupedes, in Fowls, Fishes, Insects, Reptiles, &c. in Plants and Vegetables of every kind; in Earths, Minerals, and Fossil Substances; and various other Miscellaneous Subjects. With Directions how to procure and prepare them for Use; and divers occasional Remarks interspersed thro' the whole. To which is added, An Account of the Camera Obscura, and the Solar Microscope, or Method of Magnifying Objects in a Darken'd Chamber, In every Way by Reflection and Refraction. By Benjamin Martin.
Martin, Benjamin (1705-1782)
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed and sold by J. Newbery and C. Micklewright, in the Market-Place ; R. Ware, in Amen-Corner, and T. Cooper, in Pater-Noster-Row, London; J. Fletcher, in the Turl, Oxford; W. Thurlbourn, in Cambridge; and B. Collins, in Salisbury