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Descriptive account of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire. A Cistercian monastery, founded in the year M,C,XXXI Six hundred and sixtytwo years ago, selected from grose, gilpin, shaw, wheatley, and other esteemed writers. To which is subjoined, an account of the Cistercian order of monks; an history of monasteries, from their foundation in England, till their dissolution in the reign of King Henry Viii. The Methods used by the Commissioners, appointed by Act of Parliament, to obtain their Surrender; the names of the chief officers who had the management of a monastery; with the nature of their offices; and other interesting particulars respecting the religious houses; Being Part of a Design for publishing in like Manner An Account of the most interesting Places in the County: With a preface, and some few notes, by Charles Heath, printer, Monmouth.
Heath, Charles (1761-1831)
Religion and Philosophy
Sold by him [i.e; Charles Heath] in the Market Place, and at all the inns in the county