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The royal courtly garland. In six parts. Part I. How the King of Bohemia having married a most virtuous Queen, and being afterwards visited by a foreign Prince, of whom the King became jealous, and hired his Cup-Bearer to poison him; the Prince being acquainted with it, went to his own country and was soon after crowned there. Part II. How the King put his Wife in Prison, where she was delivered of a daughter, who was by the King's order put into a Boat, and left to the mercy of the Sea. Part III. How the King in a vision being assured of his wife's innocency, released her, who soon after died with grief. Part IV How the child was drove into that country where the Prince reigned, taken up by a Shepherd, and kept as his own. Part V. How the King's son fell in love with her, and embarked with her and the old Shepherd for Italy. Part VI. Being by a storm drove into Bohemia, were confined; and how the King thereof knew she was his own daughter.
Literature and Language
[Newcastle upon Tyne]