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Experimental observations on the water of the mineral spring near Islington, commonly called New Tunbridge Wells: tending as well to explain and illustrate the general nature of chalybeat waters, as to demonstrate, from its obvious Comparison of its Qualities with those of the Spa and Tunbridge Waters, made by an accurate Examination, that it is absolutely of the same Species with them, but greatly preferable, on Account of that advantageous Reduction of the Quantity it admits of, from its higher Impregnation, and the consequent Increase of its Efficacy. To which is Subjoined. An Account of its Medicinal Virtues and Use; and of the most adviseable Methods of drinking it in each Kind of Case.
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed by J. Millidge, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; and sold by P. Shatwell, opposite the Adelphi in the Strand; and by Mr. Holland, at the Bar of the Wells