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The true and entertaining history of Miss Charlotte Lorrain, of the county of Middlesex, afterwards Mrs. H******e. Containing a circumstantial account of her life, interspersed with Moral and Remarks, Pleasant and Instructive, calculated to shew Vice in its Natural deformity, in Order that Virtue may appear the brighter from such an opposition. I. Some Account of Miss Charlotte Lorrain. II. Her marriage with Mr. H-e. III. Her seeing Lord E-at the Play, and her further connections with him. IV. His breaking off with her, and her acquaintance with Capt. S-. V. Her method of securing her husband, and manner of admiting the Captain till their breaking off. VI. Her Behaviour to Mr. H-e, and her method of gaining her ends in a material point. Vii. Goes to the Masquerade and meets with Lord B-, becomes familiar again; a discovery and the consequence. Viii. An agreement with her Husband. IX. Goes to Vauxhall, meets the Duke of D- is the cause of a Duel. X. Containing a variety of whimsical circumstances and final agreement,
History and Geography
printed and sold by T. Sabine, in Little New-Street, Shoe-Lane, Fleet-Street, where Printing is expeditiously performed in all its Branches at reasonable Rates