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The merry medley; or, a Christmas-Box, for gay gallants, and good companions. Containing Diverting Stories and choice Jokes, dextrous Tricks, pleasant Poems, and exquisite Epigrams, &c. Droll Dialogues, Facetious Fables, Humourous Speeches, Rysible Reflections, Ludicrous Letters, Rare Riddles, Arch Sayings. Rysible Reflections, Celebrated new and Jovial Songs fit for the Voice or Violin, and modish Country Dances; And, also The Travels of Father Christmas, and the most moving Memoirs of Jonathan Wild the Great. The whole design'd to prevent and expel Spleen and Melaucholy, and drive the cold Winter away with Mirth and Musick. Useful to all, especially Travellers and those that take Physick. Being a Complete System of Christmas Gambols. Dedicated to the lovers of fun and good fellowship, by C. F. president of the Comical club in Covent-Garden, and a true Hicobite. Vol. II.
Fine Arts
printed for J. Freeman in Fleet street