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The young astronomer's assistant, and countryman's daily companion; Containing the following Particulars: I. An Account of the Common Notes for finding the Moveable Feasts and Fasts appointed by the Church. II. Astronomy, giving a Description and Rules for calculating the chief Circles of the Sphere, of use to find Longitude and Latitude in Traveling, Navigation, and Dialing; also New Rules for finding the Sun's True Place and Entrance into the Four Quarters of the Year, with Tables thereof for seven Years. III. A New Kalendar for Seven Years, beginning with 1755, and continued to 1762, showing the Rising and Setting of the Sun and Moon; the Moon's Signs, Change, Full, and Quarters; Southing of fixed Stars at Midnight; Remarkable Times and Eclipses of both Luminaries; a Table of the Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Seven Stars; Tables of Terms, Tides, Interests, Weights, &c. and many other Things of daily Use. IV. Mensuration of Land, Timber, &c. Artificers Work, with their Prices, &c. The Whole interspersed with Rules for finding every Article, and adapted to the meanest Capacity. By William Hitchman, Shoemaker, of Poulton, near Cirencester.
Hitchman, William
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for A. Wright, at Holyrood-Ampney; and sold by the booksellers in town and country