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The merchant's companion; Being a Complete System of Book-Keeping, in two sets, modernized, comprehending All the Varieties of the Art, Both in thoery and practice; with an appendix, containing the form and use of the Principal Books used by Merchants. Also Some Familiar Letters on Business, with Instructions how to pen them; Bills of Exchange, with their Explanation and Laws; Promissory Notes, and Acquittances; Bills of Parcels; the Form of a Bond, with its Condition; Letters of Licence and Attorney; a General Release; a Will; an Apprentice's Indenture, with its Bond; a Lease; a Bill of Sale; a Policy of Assurance of a Ship and Cargo; an Universal Table of all the Coins of the known World, reduced into British and Irish Money; Tables of Weights and Measures; Tables of Exchange, from England to Ireland, and from Ireland to England; a Table, shewing the Gain or Loss on the Exchange between Holland, England and Ireland; a Table shewing into how many Parts a Pound Weight of Silver hath been coined, from the Reign of Edward I. to the present Time. By William Kelly, Teacher of the Mathematics, Cork.
Kelly, William (d. 1793)
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed by D. Donnoghue, Broad-Lane

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