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The merchant's companion; Being a Complete System of Book-Keeping, in two sets, modernized, comprehending All the Varieties of the Art, Both in thoery and practice; with an appendix, containing the form and use of the Principal Books used by Merchants. Also Some Familiar Letters on Business, with Instructions how to pen them; Bills of Exchange, with their Explanation and Laws; Promissory Notes, and Acquittances; Bills of Parcels; the Form of a Bond, with its Condition; Letters of Licence and Attorney; a General Release; a Will; an Apprentice's Indenture, with its Bond; a Lease; a Bill of Sale; a Policy of Assurance of a Ship and Cargo; an Universal Table of all the Coins of the known World, reduced into British and Irish Money; Tables of Weights and Measures; Tables of Exchange, from England to Ireland, and from Ireland to England; a Table, shewing the Gain or Loss on the Exchange between Holland, England and Ireland; a Table shewing into how many Parts a Pound Weight of Silver hath been coined, from the Reign of Edward I. to the present Time. By William Kelly, Teacher of the Mathematics, Cork.
printed by D. Donnoghue, Broad-Lane