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A second address to Mr. Huntington, wherein he is again requested, to answer my appeal to the Christian professing world, and come openly to the test, or else, To cease from his railery and vain Boasting. In this address his conduct towards me since my book was published, is in some measure delineated, several things he hath asserted in the Pulpit, taken notice of (mark xiii, 32, and a Tim. iii, 36,)- Two passages he preached from in a measure explained. Observations upon several parts of his Book, entitled Forty stripes for Satan, save none, &c. Likewise his Vision and its productions, As recorded in page 338, 339, and 340, of his Book, (entitled The Kingdom of Heaven taken by Prayer) examined and compared with the word of God. By Samuel Mansell, Minister of the Gospel and Pastor of the Baptist Church, Meeting-House-Walk, Snow's Fields, Borough, Southwark.
Mansell, Samuel
Religion and Philosophy
printed for the author, and sold at the Chapel in Meeting-House Walk, Snow's Fields