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The judgment of whole kingdoms and nations, concerning the rights, power, and prerogative of kings, and the rights, privileges & properties of the people: shewing the nature of government in general, both from God and man. An account of the British government; and the rights and privileges of the people in the time of the Saxons, and since the Conquest. The government which God ordained over the children of Israel; and that all magistrates and governors proceed from the people, by many examples in Scripture and history; and the duty of magistrates from Scriptur and reason. An account of eleven emperors, and above fifty kings, depriv'd for their evil government. The right of the people and Parliament of Britain, to resist and deprive their kings for evil government, by King Henry's charter; and likewise in Scotland, by many examples. ... By Lord Sommers.
Defoe, Daniel (1661?-1731)
Dunton, John (1659-1733)
Somers, John Somers, Baron (1651-1716)
Southwick, Solomon (1731-1797)
Social Sciences
Reprinted and sold by Solomon Southwick, in Queen-Street
Newport Rhode-Island