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A perfect cure for the King's evil, (whether hereditary or accidental,) by effectual alcalious medicines: faithfully approv'd by the experience of eighteen years practice, and the testimony of above four hundred patients restor'd beyond relapse. By Thomas Fern Chirurgeon. P. S. Giving an exact Account also how He himself was perfectly cur'd by the same Medicines; after having languish'd Eleven Years under the same Distemper, and being given over at last, by several Eminent Physicians and Surgeons in London. Varia Hominum dona.
Fern, Thomas
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed, and sold by D. Browne, at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar. G. Strahan, at the Golden Ball in Cornhill. A. Bettesworth at the Red-Lion on London-Bridge; C. King in Westminster-Hall. Mr. Corbet, at the Bible on St. Mary-Hill. Mr. Mears against Lincoln's-Inn-Gate in Chancery-Lane; and at the Author's house in Grange-Court, near Lincoln's-Inn-Fields