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An inquiry into the nature and cause of that swelling, in one or both of the lower extremities, which sometimes happens to lying-in women. Together with an examination into the propriety of drawing the breasts, Of those who do, and also of those who do not give Suck. By Charles White, Esq. F.R.S. Member of the Corporation of Surgeons in London; Surgeon to the Infirmary, and Lunatic Hospital, and Vice-President of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester: Honorary Member of the Royal Medical Society; of the Physico-Chirurgical Society; and of the Society for the Encouragement of the Study of Natural History, of Edinburgh: and Correspondent Member of the Royal Society of the Antiquaries of Scotland.
White, Charles (1728-1813)
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed by W. Eyres, for C. Dilly in the Poultry, London; and for C. Elliot, Edinburgh