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A plain and scriptural account of the Lord's Supper, collected from every Passage which occurs in the New Testament on that Subject: Together with A most remarkable Hebrew Prophecy contained in the 5th Chapter of Genesis. To which is added, A Scriptural essay on the Advantages arising from the Study of the Sacred Writings; divided into the following Heads: I. Of the Dispositions of Mankind. II. Of the Properties of the Word of God. III. Of the State Mankind are in by Nature. IV. Of the Deliverance God hath proposed to Sinners. V. How this Deliverance is made known. VI. Of the Natural Man not being capable of understanding the Scriptures. VII. The Promises which God hath given for the understanding of the Scriptures. VIII. Why the Scriptures are not more generally understood. IX. Of the Charge of the Ministry. X. Of the New Testament Ministry. XI. Of the Necessity of Regeneration. XII. How the Soul is regenerated. XIII. Of the Perfection and Efficacy of the Scriptures. XIV. Of Faith being the Gift of God. XV. How Faith is attained. XVI. A general Exhortation to Repentance. How Mankind are rendered inexcuseable in rejecting the Gospel; with the dreadful Consequences of such Rejection. By a Welwisher to the Interests of Christianity.
A. G., Welwisher to the Interests of Christianity
History and Geography
printed by W. Blanchard, and sold by T. Wilson and son, J. Todd, W. Tesseyman, H. Sotheran, and N. Frobisher, York; and J. Matthews, London