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Biographia Scoticana: or, a brief historical account of the lives, characters, and memorable transactions of the most eminent Scots worthies, Noblemen, Gentlemen, Ministers, and others: From Mr. Patrick Hamilton, who was born about the year of our Lord 1503, and suffered martyrdom at St. Andrews, Feb. 1527, to Mr. James Renwick, who was executed in the Grass-Market of Edinburgh, Feb. 17, 1688. Together with A succinct Account of the Lives of other seven eminent Divines, and Sir Robert Hamilton of Preston, who died about, or shortly after the Revolution. As also, an appendix, containing a short historical Hint of the wicked Lives and miserable Deaths of some of the most remarkable apostates and bloody persecutors in Scotland from the Reformation to the Revolution. Collected from historical Records, Biographical Accounts, and other authenticated Writings:-The whole including a Period of near Two Hundred Years. By John Howie.
Howie, John (fl. 1759-1765)
History and Geography
printed by John Bryce, and sold at his shop, opposite Gibson's-Wynd, Salt-Market