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The complete farmer: or, a general dictionary of husbandry, in all its branches; containing the various methods of cultivating and improving every species of land, according to the precepts of both the old and new husbandry. In which every Thing valuable from the best Writers on this Subject will be extracted, viz. Linnaeus, Chateauvieux, the Marquis of Turbilly, Platt, Evelyn, Worlidge, Mortimer, Tull, Ellis, Miller, Hale, Lisle, Roque, Mills, &c. Together with a great variety of new discoveries and improvements. Also The Whole Business of Breeding, Managing, and Fattening Cattle of all Kinds; and the most approved Methods of curing the various Diseases to which they are subject. Together with the Method of raising bees, and of acquiring large Quantities of Wax and Honey, without destroying those laborious Insects. Likewise the useful Parts of Gardening; or those necessary for the Farmer, and Country Gentleman. Illustrated with a great variety of folio copper-plates, finely engraved; exhibiting all the Instruments used in this necessary Art; particularly those lately invented, and presented to the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, &c. In London; many of which have never yet appeared in any Work of this Nature. By a society of gentlemen, Members of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce.
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for the authors; and sold by J. Cooke, at Shakespear's-Head, No. 10. in Pater-Noster-Row; and T. Hookham, in New Street, Hanover Square