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Arithmetick made easy, in whole numbers and fractions, both vulgar and decimal, to the meanest capacity. Wherein the Rules and Demonstrations are laid down in such plain and regular Forms, that Youth may attain, by this Book alone, to be a compleat Arithmetician, without the Assistance of a Master: Wherein all the Rules for Merchandising are work'd with all the Plainness imaginable: With Tables calculated in Whole Numbers, shewing how much Sterling Money is contained in any Number of Crowns, Dollars, Ducats, Piastres, and Pieces of Eight, Flemish, from One to 3000 in Number; and from 3 s. 4d. in Value, to 5 s. Sterling, rising gradually by the Addition of one Penny: With several other useful Tables. Likewise, decimal arithmetick, Work'd in a Way, never before published, in finding Decimals in a nearer and easier Method, than any hitherto: With a Decimal-Table, answering to all the Decimal Parts of a Pound, from the Fourth of a Farthing, to one Pound Sterling, rising gradually by the Addition of one Farthing. Also an Appendix of Practical Mensuration of Superficies and Solids. The Lire not Extant; Intended only for the Benefit of Youth. By Thomas Mayoh, Writing-Master and Accomptant. The Perused and Approved of by several eminent Accomptants, And Dedicated to the Merchants and Tradesmen of Lancashire.
Mayoh, Thomas
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed by J. Stanley and J. Moon