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Bibliotheca Gaylardiana: or, a catalogue of the library of the late Dr. Joseph Gaylard, M. D. Containing A Choice Collection of many Valuable and Rare Books, in Physick, Philosophy, and Philology; in Greek, Latin, French, Italian, and English; of the Best Editions, and, for the most part, Curiously Bound, Filleted, Gilt, or Letter'd. which will be sold by auction, at the Black-Boy Coffee-House in Ave-Mary-Lane, near Ludgate-Street, on Wednesday the 28th of this instant January, 1707/8, beginning every Evening at Four a-Clock, till the Sale is ended. By Thomas Ballard, Bookseller. Catalogues may be had At Mr. Fox's, in Westminster-Hall; Mr. Wotton's, the Three Daggers in Fleetstreet; Mr. Knapton's, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; Mr. Tho. Ballard's, in Little Britain; Mr. Strahan's, in Cornhil, Booksellers; and at the Place of Sale.
Ballard, Thomas (fl. 1698-1734)
Literature and Language