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A brief abstract of the virtues of the American tobacco plant; or the use and abuse of tobacco and snuff: wherein its physical and other qualities are impartially investigated. Likewise, containing, among many other valuable receipts, (some of which are of the greatest Consequence to Farmers, Graziers, Gardeners, and Husbandmen) An effectual Cure and Prevention of Bugs; Also every necessary Information relative to the Choice of Herbs proper for Smoking: to which is added, an address to the legislature In which is comprised Observations of the most essential Nature, elucidated by historical Facts, And humbly submitted to the most serious Consideration of the Public at this particular Crisis. And to the whole is prefixed, a suitable preface, with a dedication to to the Right Honourable the Lord-Mayor, and the other principal citizens of London.
printed for the author, and sold by Wade , No. 163, Fleet-Street ; Thatcher , Hemmings-Row, St. Martin's Lane ; and Lovell , No. 158, St. John's Street ; may also be had at Langham's , under the Great Piazza, Covent-Garden ; Thompson , No. 2, behind the Royal-Exchange ; at all other booksellers and pamphlet-shops in Great-Britain; and at Mr. Bolton's patent medicine shop, Front of the Royal-Exchange