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The constitution articles of the Charitable Society of Coach & Coach-Harness-Makers. Containing Rules, Orders and Directions, for the better and more easie managing a Monthly Contribution, formerly agreed upon, (and hitherto successfully carryed on) by a considerable Number of Masters and Journey-Men of the said Trade, for raising and continuing a sufficient Stock, out of which, an Allowance may, from time, to time be made, as Occasion shall require. 1. Towards the Relief and Support of Poor Masters and Journey Men of the same Occupation, (being Members of the said Society) during any inability to work at their respective Callings, either by reason of Infirmitics of Old Age, Sickness. Lunacy, Lameness, or less of Limbs, or Eye-Sight. 2. Towards the maintenance of Poor Widows of deceased members, during their Inability to make a sufficient provision, for support either of themselves or their Children under Age, and not able to work for their own maintenance. 3. Towards the defraying the necessary Funeral Charges of the deceased Members of their Society, in such manner as the By-Orders thereof (hereunto annexed) do direct and appoint.
Social Sciences