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Essays of reform on the system of the finances of Great Britain; for re-establishing the public credit; for Supplying the Present, and for Preventing the Future Want of Circulating Specie, for Reducing One Hundred and Forty Millions of the National Debt, without charging the People with any New Burthens whatever; and, Finally, For relieving Trade and Manufactures from all unnecessary Restraints, Duties, Taxes, and Excises. and The Landholders, also, from Part of the Land Tax: Touched on the Principles of Sound Policy, and Financial Wisdom, and Founded on the Solid Basis of Equity, and Justice. In two volumes. By J. Vand Der Hey, Privy Counsellor of Commerce to his Majesty the King of Prussia. Volume I.
Hey, J. van der
Social Sciences
printed for the author, at the Logographic Press, where subscriptions are taken in, and by J. Sewell , No. 32, in Cornhill ; J. Debrett , Opposite Burlington House, Piccadilly ; and by W. Babbs, No. 31, Oxford-Street, Near Soho Square