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Rights and priviledges of the freemen of Exeter: being an account of all legacies left to the poor of the said city, from the year 1164 to 1674 inclusive; Containing An Alphabetical List of the Persons Names by whom such Legacies were left; also The Sums left by each of them; and The Uses to which they were ordered to be applied by the Donors, being in the whole 132: first printed in the year 1736, by Samuel Izacke, gent. from the manuscript of his grandfather, Richard Izacke, Esq. Clerk of the Peace for the City and County of Exeter; Interspersed with proper Remarks detecting the Misapplication of some of the said Charities: to which is now added a copious index, Pointing out the Situation of the Lands, the Amount of Monies, Annuities, &c. given to each Charity respectively, arranged chronologically.
Izacke, Richard (1624-1698)
History and Geography
reprinted by T. Brice, at the Conduit