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A catalogue of the valuable collection of Italian, French, Flemish and Dutch pictures, late the property of Chase Price, Esq. dec. Recently purchased out of those well-known collections of the Prince de Conti, mons. de gagner, and de bousett, of Paris. Amongst which are the undoubted Works of the following much admired great Masters, viz. Primaticcio, Titian, P. Veronese, J. Tinyoret, J. Bassan, J. Bellino, A. Carracci, L. Carracci, Guido, Guerchino, Morillio, C. Cigniani, L. Giordano, C. Maratti, N. Poussin, G. Poussin, Castiglione, Zucarelli, Rubens, Van Dyck, Teniers, Gonzales, Breughel, P. Neefs, Both, Weenix, Ruysdael, Polenburgh, Moucheron, J. Stien. Also, by Permission, are added, some Capital Pictures of a Nobleman, deceased: which will be sold by auction, By Mess. Christie & Ansell, At their Great Room, next Cumberland House, Pall Mall, On Friday, February 13, 1778, and the following Day. To be publicly viewed on Wednesday the 11th, and to the Sale, which will begin each Day at Twelve O'Clock. Catalogues may be had as above.
Fine Arts
[London ]