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The general election poll, For Knights of the Shire; to represent in Parliament The County Palatine of Durham. Begun at the City of Durham, June 28th, and closed July 8th, 1790. Sir Hedworth Williamson, Bart. High-Sheriff. William Reynolds, Esq. Under-Sheriff. William Ambler, Esq. George Pearson, Esq. Smith Burke, Esq. Deputy-Sheriffs. Candidates. Sir John Eden, of Windleston, Baronet. Ralph Milbanke, of Seaham, Esq. Rowland Burdon, of Castle-Eden, Esq. Council. Mr Fearnley,-For Sir Hedworth Williamson, Baronet, High-Sheriff. Mr Hill, Mr Walton, Mr Gregory, Mr Wilkinson, Mr Wear,-For Sir John Eden. Mr Douglas, Mr Heywood, Mr Hooper Williamson, Mr Richardson,-For Mr ... Mr Fielding, Mr Serjeant Clayton, Mr Withers, Mr Wharton,-For Mr Burdon.
History and Geography
printed and sold by D. Akenhead
Newcastle upon Tyne