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An Order of His present Majesty King George, made in Council 30th of March, 1717. upon the following report of Sir John Fortescue Aland, His Majesties late Solicitor-General. At the Court at St.James's the 30th of March, 1717. Present, the Kings Most Excellent Majesty in Council. Upon reading this day at the board a report of His Majesties late Solicitor-General, dated the 16th of November last (upon a petition of the wardens and commonalty of dyers of London for a new charter) in the words following, viz. To the Kings most excellent Majesty.
George I, King of Great Britain (1660-1727)
Social Sciences
printed by John Baskett, printer to the Kings most excellent Majesty, and by the assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd
[London ]