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Supplement to the ministers widows scheme, in a letter to the clergy, directing the improvement of their glebes. Wherein It is shewn, That the Plan here laid down, may be executed to the far greatest Profit. And how every farmer, by applying the Rules offered, may improve any Number of Acres to a proportional Advantage. By Robert Maxwell of Arkland, a Member of, and Secretary to the Honourable, the Society of Improvers in the Knowledge of Agriculture in Scotland. When the Dust groweth into Hardness, and the Clods cleave fast together, Wilt thou hunt the Prey for the Lion, or fill the Appetite of the young Lions? &c. Job. Entered in Stationers-Hall.
Maxwell, Robert (1695-1765)
Religion and Philosophy
printed by R. Drummond, and sold by booksellers in town and country; and at Mris. Maxwell's shop, betwixt James's and Wardrop's Courts in the Lawn-Mercat of Edinburgh, either separately, or bound up with The Practical Bee-Master (lately published by Mr. Maxwell) to which it refers; both being of one Type, and printed on the same Paper