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A catalogue of that much esteemed and truly valuable museum of the Marquis Lenori, of Pesaro; consisting of A great Number of curious Intaglios and Cameos, in a Variety of most beautiful and scarce Gems, many of which are Greek Workmanship, and richly mounted in Gold; so fine a Collection it may be presumed has rarely if ever been submitted to public Sale. Vases, Cups, &c. of oriental Agate, Bronzes in Groupes, Figures, Busts, &c. of the earliest and of the later Times; amongst these are eight large Figures on Pedestals of Bronze highly ornamented, the most capital Performance of that celebrated Artist, Sansovino. Roman Earthenware in great Preservation, painted from Designs after Raphael, and other great Masters. Carvings in Marble, Ivory, &c. The Labours of Hercules nobly composed and elaborately cut in Wood, a Work of great Antiquity. The twelve Caesars in large Cameos, the Heads of Agate, the Draperies in variegated Marble. An extraordinary Assortment of upwards of a Thousand Specimens of valuable Stones neatly ranged, and particularized in fifteen Drawers, Arabic Manuscripts, with other scarce and curious Articles, many of which have been purchased at a great Expence out of the first Collections in Europe. Which will be sold by Auction, By Mr. Christie, At his Great Room, next Cumberland House, in Pall Mall, On Monday, January 27, 1772, and three following Days, To be viewed on Tuesday the 21st and till the Sale. Catalogues may be had as above.
Christie, Mr. (James), (1730-1803)
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[London ]