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Proposals for printing by subscription, the works of the celebrated and ancient English poet Jeoffrey Chaucer: carefully compar'd, not only with former editions of value, but with many rare and ancient manuscripts: from the collating of which the text is in great measure restor'd and perfected; many errors and corruptions that have crept in, and continued in all the editions hitherto printed, are amended; and many whole lines, omitted in all the printed editions, are inserted in their proper places. Three entire new tales of this author in manuscript (never yet printed) have been recovered, and will be added to this edition; by which alterations, amendments, and additions, this work is in a manner become new. This work was at first undertaken and was very near compleated by John Urry, student of Christ-Church, Oxon. And is now finish'd from his papers by a member of the same college. A more useful and copious glossary, for the better understanding of this poet, than has yet been printed, will be added at the end by Anthony Hall, A.M. Fellow of Queen's-College, Oxon. N.B. One third of the monies, that shall arise from subscriptions, will be employ'd towards the finishing of Peck-Water Quadrangle in Christ-Church; so that all subscribers to this edition will be benefactors to that college.
Chaucer, Geoffrey (d. 1400)
Literature and Language