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An introduction to physic and surgery. Containing I. Medicinal institutions, or Physiology, Hygieine, Pathology, Semiotice, and Therapeutice. II. A compendious System of Anatomy. III. A general Account of Wounds, Ulcers, Tumors, Operations, and Dressings; as also, the Meditines used in Surgery. IV. Botany, and the Materia Medica. V. Pharmacy, as well Chemical as Galenical. VI. A Dispensatory, containing a great Variety of the most efficacious officinal Compositions, and extemporaneous Prescriptions. Vii. A Syllabus of the Symptoms of all the Diseases incident to the human Body. Viii. An Index of Diseases and their Remedies. IX. A Posologic Table, containing the Doses of all the Simples and Compounds. X. An explanation of the terms of art, accented as they are to be pronounced. By R. Brookes, M.D.
Brookes, R. (Richard), (fl. 1721-1763)
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for J. Newbery, at the Bible and Sun, in St. Paul's Church-Yard