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Vox stellarum: or, a loyal almanack for the year of human redemption, 1738. Being the Second after Bissextile, or Leap-Year. In which is contained all Things fitting for such a Work; as, A Table of Terms and their Returns; the Fulls, Changes, and Quarters of the Moon; the Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Seven Stars, and other Fix'd Stars of Note; the Moon's Age, and A Tide-Table fitted to the same; the Rising and Setting of the Sun; the Rising, Southing and Setting of the Moon; Mutual Aspects, Monthly Observations, and many other Things useful and pleasant. Unto which is added, Astrological Observations on the Four Quarters of the Year; an Hieroglyphick alluding to these present Times, with some Observations thereon: A remarkable Chronology; the Eclipses, and other Matters both curious and profitable. By Francis Moore, Physician.
Moore, Francis (1657-1714)
General Reference
printed by Samuel Idle, for the Company of Stationers