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The history of the ancient Germans; including that of the Cimbri, Celtæ, Teutones, Alemanni, Saxons, And other Ancient Northern Nations, Who overthrew the Roman Empire, and established that of the Germans, and most of the Kingdoms of Europe. In two volumes. ... From the first certain Account of those Several Nations inhabiting the Country now call'd Germany, to the Foundation of the Monarchy of the Franks, in Gaul, Ann. 486. ... From the Foundation of the Monarchy of the Franks, in Gaul, to the Extinction of the Merovingian, and the Beginning of the Carlovingian Line, Ann. 751, Written originally in High German; And illustrated with a great Number of Notes and Quotations, from ancient Authors, Monuments, Inscriptions, Accounts of Medals, Coins, and other Antiquities, which give a Light as well to the Roman as the German, Italian, Spanish, French and English Histories; by Doctor John Jacob Mascou, Aulick Counsellor to the King of Poland, Assessor of the Court of Justice, and Senator of the City of Leipzick, in Saxony. Now translated into English, by Tho. Lediard, Esq; Late Secretary to His Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary in Lower Germany. ...
Mascov, Johann Jakob (1689-1761)
History and Geography
printed by James Mechell, at the King's Arms, in Fleetstreet, and sold by him for the translater; and to be had at the Translater's House in Smith's-Square, Westminster; of Innys and Manby, hear St. Paul's; Gilliver and Clarke in Westminster-Hall; Wilcox in the Strand, and Willock in Cornhill
London and Westminster