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A faithful narrative of God's gracious dealings with Hiel: by which, in a very searching and affecting manner, he describes both his worldly and religious course; terminating at length in a radical conversion to God in Christ: Subjoining Withal an Account of the Special Commission He afterwards gave him for the Publication of his own Experience of Spiritual Death and Life; and also of all the other Testimonies of God, as well by Word of Mouth, as in Writing, and in Print. Unto which are also, not only the full Title-Pages of all these Divine Writings, but copious Samples of some striking Parts of them, superadded. Through the whole, are Several Prefatory Introductions, Observations, and Explanatory Notes of the Translator, Interspersed. Now First carefully selected, Englished from the High-Dutch, and humbly offered to the Most Profound Consideration of all the Lovers of the Divine Truth in every Christian Denomination, by Francis Okely, Formerly of St. John's College, Cambridge.
Jansen, Hendrik
Religion and Philosophy
printed by Thomas Dicey, for the translator; and sold by J. Lackington, No. 46, Chiswell-Street, Moorfields; [London]; J. Denis and Son, No. 2, New Bridge-Street, near Fleet-Street, London; T. Mills, at Bristol; and J. Binns, at Leeds