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The gentleman's miscellany, In Verse and Prose. Serious, jocose, satyrical, humorous, and diverting. Containing, I. Orpheus, a Poem. II. On a Lady shifting herself. III. Mr. Prior's Epitaph. IV. The Answer. V. Dorinda, in Imitation of Ovid's Corinnae Concubitus. VI. Advice to the Hon. Lady - with the Character of a Religious Gamester. Vii. The King and the Cobler, a Tale. Viii. The Spectre. A Tale. IX. Thoughts on the Way to Preferment. X. On Behaviour in Conversation. XI. An Epitaph on Mary Hart, who died by taking Physick from a Quack Doctor. XII. Another on a Tomb-Stone at Edmonton, Latin and English. XIII. Another. XIV. Another on a young Woman who died the Day she was marry'd. XV. Another. XVI. Another, Latin and English. XVII. Another on Jeremy Strong. XVIII. Another. XIX. Another on Jack Ketth, who was executed at Tyburn. XX. The Blacksmith's Recreation, or Triumphant Maid. XXI. An Epitaph on Miss N- J-gs. XXII. The Wish of the Honourable Miss M-n. XXIII. Answer'd by T. H-, 2d Son to the E. of B -. XXIV. A Riddle, on a Pudding sent to some Ladies at Bath, in a Hare's Belly. XXV. On Col. L-'s Lady. Occasion'd by her wearing a Rose in her Bosom at Christmas. XXVI. The Members to their Sovereign. XXVII. Curious Maid. A Tale. XXVIII. Epilogue, intended to have been spoken by a Person introducing an Ass on the Stage. By Sir Butterfly Maggot, Kt.
Maggot, Butterfly, Sir
Literature and Language
printed, and sold by J. Purser, in White-Fryars; and by the booksellers of London and Westminster