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A new, plain, and rational treatise on the true nature and uses of the Bath waters: shewing the cases and constitutions in which these waters are really proper to be used, and the best Methods of using them, and likewise the Cases in which they are hurtful and very dangerous;-and demonstrating the great Errors in which Mankind have hitherto been under, in regard to bathing in, pumping with, and drinking these wonderful and powerful Waters;-And also as to their Regimen of Food, Drink, Airing, Exercising, &c. To which are added, several very remarkable cures performed by Doctor Graham, under the immediate ocular Inspection, and attested by th[e] Hand-Writing of several of the principal Nobility of Europe and some great cures performed at Bath. By James Graham, M.D. Of Edinburgh, but now at Bath.
Graham, James (1745-1794)
Literature and Language
printed by R. Cruttwell, and sold by all the booksellers; and by Dr. Graham's servant, at his Apartments, No. 10, New Bridge-Street