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The chester guide: or, an account of the antient and present state of that city. Containing a concise Description of its Antiquities, Fortifications, Churches, Government, Trade, Fairs, Streets, Lanes, and Rows, Charitable Foundations, Markets, Inns, Gentlemens Seats in its Environs, Remarkable Prospects, &c. Including a List of the Earls of Chester; together with the Times of going out and coming in of the Posts, Post Coaches, Machines, Waggons, Carriers, Names and Places of Abode of the News Carriers, Rules and Rates of the Assemblies, the Rates of Chairs, Carmen, &c. Likewise the Distances of the neighbouring Market Towns and Places, Gentlemens Seats, &c. To which is added, a directory: containing an alphabetical list of the clergy, merchants, tradesmen, &c. in the city and market towns in the county. The second edition, with additions an corrections. Embellished with a pespective view, and a ground plan of the city.
History and Geography
printed and sold by P. Broster, in the Exchange; also sold by T. Longman, Pater Noster Row, London, and by all the news carriers