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A retrospective-Glass for the mis-led Quakers; whereby they (as well as Others) may see the deceivableness of their ring-leaders, and well perceive their deep-laid hypocrisies. I. By their pretending, that they cannot seek to outward Authority; whilst no People upon Earth seek more to outward Authority. II. By their Mock-Parliament, shewing thereby, that they have a Government within the Government, and directly opposite to it. III. By a Sermon prepared for George Whitehead, containing a full Answer to a Book they presented to the Parliament, Anno 1709. IV. By a Court of Conscience, held November the 24th, 1709. viz. A just and lawful Tryal of the Quaker Teachers, by a perfect Proceeding against them; and they being Righteously Examin'd, Weighed and Measured; They, by their own Rule are Judged and Condemned, as being contrary to the Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, and all the Ministers of Christ in former Ages; And they being brought to the Bar of Justice, these Things are truly charged, and legally proved upon them by Sixty Witnesses (who being Dead yet speak) and by the Verdict of a Jury of the Neighbourhood, found Guilty and Condemn'd, and Sentence pronounc'd upon them accordingly. Shewing also, V. That as they differ from all Christians, so they agree with the Gentile Idolaters. By a Parallel between them and Julian the Apostate. To which is prefix'd, a Reply to J. Whiting's late Sheet. Written by a Servant of the Church, Francis Bugg. Part VI. Price 3s.
Bugg, Francis (1640-1724?)
Religion and Philosophy
printed for the author, and sold by R. Wilkin at the King's Head, J. Knapton at the Crown, and W. Carter at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard