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The assize of bread; and other assizes of weights and measures, which, by the laws of this realm, are commanded to be observ'd and kept by all bakers, brewers, innholders, victualers, vintners, butchers, &c. Whereunto is added, Several Good and Useful Orders in making and retailing all sorts of Bread to His Majesty's Subjects. Agreeing with all the Laws, Statutes, and Customs of England. Newly Corrected and Enlarg'd from Twelve-Pence the Quarter of Wheat to Three-Pound Six-Pence the Quarter, according to the Rise and Fall of the Markets, by Six-Pence per Quarter. Together with the Assize settled by Act of Parliament in the 8th Year of the Reign of our late Gracious Sovereign Qu. Anne, of Blessed Memory. Also, The Ordering the Clerk of the Market's Office, and for Reformation of false Weights and Measures, according to the several Statutes in that behalf made.
Powell, John, gent.
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for J. Walthoe, J. Nicholson, M. Wotton, G. Conyers, J. & B. Sprint, D. Midwinter, T. Ballard, B. Cowse, R. Gosling, and W. Innys