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The merchant's companion, and tradesman's vade mecum: or, practical arithmetick, both vulgar and decimal, Rendered more clear, short, and easy, than ever before. In Which Most of the Rules of Arithmetick are altered to Advantage, and New Methods laid down, whereby the young Scholar may, with Ease, become a Proficient in a short time. Together with an appendix for those who are advanced in accompts, Containing Mensuration, both Superficial and Solid; as also many Contractions, tho' none that are meerly curious, but such as may be serviceably applied to Trade and Merchandise. The whole necessary for all men of business, teachers of accompts, and their scholars. By John Saxton, Writing-Master and Accomptant in Manchester.
Saxton, John
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed by R. Whitworth; and sold by the author and the booksellers in Manchester, and by C. Rivington at the Bible and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, London