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An abstract of the most important clauses in the following interesting Acts of Parliament, Passed in the session of 1780; By which the Public in general are equally affected, as by those passed in the Session of 1779, viz. 1. Act for allowing Ireland to trade with Foreign Parts. 2. Act concerning Spanish Prize Goods, and other Prize and East India Goods, and Tobacco. 3. Act respecting Voters at County Elections of Members of Parliament. 4. Act for additional Duties on Advertisements and Legacies. 5. Act for additional Duties on Malt Wines, and Spirits; and on Licences for dealing in Tea, Coffee, and Chocolate. 6. Act for additional Duty on Salt. 7. Act for Recruiting the Army and Navy by Volunteers. 8. Act for new Duties on Post-Horses, Carriages, and Travellers. 9. Act for appointing Commissioners to State the Public Accounts of the Kingdom. 10. Act for Indemnifying such Persons as have acted in the Suppression of the late Riots. 11. Act for Indemnifying Sheriffs, Prisoners, and Suitors, from the Consequences of the late Riots and Public Devastations. With a preface, notes, and references, By the Gentleman of the Inner-Temple, Who Abstracted the Principal Acts of the Year 1779.
Gentleman of the Inner Temple
printed for Fielding and Walker, Pater-Noster-Row