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By the King's royal license and authority. A new royal authentic and complete system of universal geography antient and modern: Including All the late important Discoveries made by the English, and other celebrated Navigators, of various Nations, in the different Hemispheres; and containing a complete genuine history and description of the whole world. As Consisting of Empires, Kingdoms, States, Republics, Provinces, Continents, Islands, Oceans, &c. with the Various Countries, Cities, Towns, Promontories, Capes, Bays, Peninsulas, Isthmusses, Gulphs, Rivers, Harbours, Lakes, Aqueducts, Mountains, Volcanos, Caverns, Deserts, &c. &c. throughout Europe, Asia, Africa and America: together with Their respective Situations, Extent, Latitude, Longitude, Boundaries, Climates, Soil, natural and artificial Curiosities, Mines, Metals, Minerals, Trees, Shrubs, the various Kinds of Fruits, Flowers, Herbs and vegetable Productions. with as Account of The Religion, Laws, Customs, Manners, Genius, Tempers, Habits, Amusements, and singular Ceremonies of the respective Inhabitants: their Arts, Sciences, Manufactures, Learning, Trade, Commerce, Governments, &c. Also exact Description of The various Kinds of Beasts, Birds, Fishes, amphibious Creatures, Reptiles, Insects, &c. peculiar to each Country; including every Thing curious, as related by the most eminent Travellers and Navigators, from the earliest Accounts to the present Time. Likewise The Essence of the Voyages of the most enterprising Navigators of different Nations and Countries, from the celebrated Columbus, the first Discoverer of America, to the Death of our no less celebrated Countryman Captain Cook, &c. &c. Together with A concise History of every Empire, Kingdom and State. Including An Account of the most remarkable Discoveries, Settlements, Battles, Sieges, Sea-Fights, and various Revolution that have taken place in different Parts of the World. The Whole forming an authentic and entertaining Account of every thing worthy of Notice throughout the whole Face of Nature, both by Land and Water. With a great Variety of curious Articles, communicated by Gentlemen who have travelled in various Parts, and by Captains of Ships, &c. none of which ever appeared in Print before. To which is added, A Complete Guide to Geography, Astronomy, the Use of the Globes, Maps, &c. With an Account of The Rise, Progress, and present State of Navigation throughout the Known World. Published by the Royal Licence and Authority of His Britannic Majesty King George III. And containing every important, interesting, valuable and entertaining discovery throughout the whole of Captain Cook's voyages Round the World. Together with those of all other Made as well as Antient Circumnavigators round the Globe, particularly those of Byron, Mulgrave, King, Clerke, Gore, Carteret, Wallis, Bougainville, &c. (performed by Order of his Britannic Majesty) As well as all other Modern Navigators and Travellers who have published their Discoveries in the various Languages throughout the World. By the Reverend Thomas Bankes, Vicar of Dixton in Monmouthshire, and Author of the Christian's Family Bible. Edward Warren Blake, Esq. and Alexander Cook, A. M. Teacher of Geography, Astronomy, and Navigation.
Bankes, Thomas (b. 1744)
History and Geography
printed for J. Cooke, No. 17, Pater-Noster-Row