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The corn inspector's assistant; and useful companion to all dealers in corn and grain. Containing I. The form of an inspector's return. II. A Table for readily finding the Amount of any Number of Quarters, Bushels, &c. from One to Fifty; at any Price, from One Farthing to Eleven Pounds. III. A Table of Corn Measure: to which are subjoined the Words of the Act of Parliament made in 1697, respecting the Standard Winchester Bushel, of eight Gallons. IV. A Table for converting Weight, at 57lb. to the Bushel, and Customany Measures, into Quarters and Bushels, Winchester Measure. V. A table, exhibjting a clear, comparative View of the different Prices, in Proportion to the Measures commonly used: and likewise shewing the proportional Value of the various Customary Measures in Winchester Measure. To which is added, a copious extract from the Corn Act Of the 29th Year of his present Majesty's Reign. It is evident, from the above Description of the Tables, &c. that this Book will be found very useful, not only to Inspectors, but to Merchants, Factors, Farmers, Mealmen, Bakers, and all other Dealers in Corn and Grain. By Joseph Moon, Teacher of the Mathematics, in Salisbury; Author of the Western Almanack; Editor of the Ready Reckoner, &c.
Moon, Joseph
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed and sold by B. C. Collins; sold also by S. Crowder, Pater-Noster-Row, London; and by all other booksellers