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A cabinet of choice jewels or, a box of precious ointment. Being a plain discovery of, or, what men are worth for eternity, and how it is like to go with them in another world. Here is also a clear and large discovery of the several pounds in Jacob's ladder, that no hypocrite under heaven can climb up to. Here are also such close. piercing, distinguishing and discovering evidences as will reach and suit those Christians who are highest in grace and spiritual enjoyments; and here are many evidences, which are suited to the capacities and experiences of the weakest Christians in Christ's school: and here Christians may see as in a glass, what a sober use and improvement they ought to make of their evidences for heaven; and how in the use of their gracious evidences they ought to live. First, upon the free grace of God. Secondly, upon the Mediatory righteousness of Christ. Thirdly, upon the covenant of grace: with several other points of grand importance, &c. By Thomas Brooks, Preacher of the Gospel at St. Margaret's, New Fish-Street, London.
Brooks, Thomas (1608-1680)
Religion and Philosophy
printed for Robert Smith Bookseller at the sign of the gilt Bible, Salt-Mercat