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Hidden things brought to light, for the increase of knowledge, in reading the Holy Bible. Being an explanation of the coins, money, weights, measures, mention'd in the Bible; as Shekels, Talents, Pieces of Silver, Silverings, Pence, &c. And what they are in Value in Gold and Silver, according to English current Money. Being cast up in Shekels, Drams, and from one Talent to Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Talents in plain Words; for the Understanding of any that can Read the Bible. Also, in what Chapters and Verse or Verses they are to be found. Likewise the Weights and Measures, how much are English. And also, hard Words of Offices and Sects, and wherefore one Part of the Bible is call'd Canonical, and the other Apocrypha, explai. By John Axford. Very useful for all that can Read English, and for all Schools; the like never done before.
Axford, John
Religion and Philosophy
printed and sold by John White