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heraldry, crest, lion, unicorn, crown, honi sont qui mal y pense, dieu et mon droit

An act for granting to his Majesty a duty on auctions, on certain Manufactures of Glass, and on Paper Hangings; and for granting further Duties on the Importation of Corks, Glauber-Salts, and Paper-Hangings; and a further Duty on Licenses to keep Malt Houses, and for securing the Duties granted on Hides and Skins, tanned with Shumack, and dressed in Oil; and for granting certain Sums out of the Surplus of the consolidated Fund, for Salaries to the Professors of Italian, French, German, and Spanish, Languages, in Trinity-College, Dublin, and for granting certain Duties, and additional Duties to be levied by the Commissioners of the Stamp Duties. Monday the Twenty-Fourth Day of April, One thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, Royal Assent given. John Gayer, D. Cler. Parl.
Social Sciences
printed by George Grierson, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty