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Observations in surgery: being a collection of one hundred and twenty eight different cases. With Particular Remarks on Each, For the Improvement of young Students. Wherein not only the Method of Practice in difficult Labours, but other Distempers incident to the Female Sex are copiously enlarged on: Among others, that of the Descent of the Womb; clearly proving the Reality of such a Disease, in Opposition to Mr. Verduc. To which are added, The particular Receipts of such Remedies as were used by the Author in each Case. Written originally in French, by Mr. Saviard, Chief Surgeon, and Operator in Midwifry, at the Hospital Hotel Dieu in Paris. The Candid Reception of Mr. Le Dran's Observations by the Gentlemen of the Faculty, encouraged me to prosecute this translation, that the Whole may make a compleat Body of Practical Surgery. By J. S. Surgeon.
Saviard, Barthélemy (1656-1702)
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge