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The sector and plain scale, compared. Containing I. The Description of all the Lines upon the Sector and plain Scales. II. The true use of the Sector made plain and easie in several Geometrical Problems, and in all the Cases of right lin'd Trigonometry. III. All the preceeding Geometrical Problems, and Cases of right lin'd Trigonometry compared by the plain Scale, and proved by Mr, Gunter's Scale. IV. All the preceeding Cases of right lin'd Trigonometry, performed Arithmetically, with out the Help of any sort of Tables. Unto which is annexed, so much of decimal arithmatick, and the Extraction of the square Root, as is necessary for the working of arithmetical trigonometry. By Roger Rea, N. P. Phl.
Rea, Roger
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed by J. Cluer, and sold by the author at his House at the Hand and Pen near the Pump in Crutched Fryers; and Eben. Tracey at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge