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Dengan sale. Part the first; containing the books. A catalogue of the extensive and valuable library, prints, paintings, Statues, Music, Mathematical Instruments And Superb Furniture Of At The Chapel which belonged to the late Right Hon. Earl of Mornington, at Dengan Castle, and which will begin to be sold by auction by R. E. Mercier and Co. at their house, No. 31, Anglesea-Street, Dublin, on Monday 18th May 1795, And The Following Days, Until All Are Sold. The Library consists of near 10,000 Volumes; amongst which are the following: Addison's Works, 4 vols. 410. Fielding's Works, 4 vols. 410. Milton's Works, 4 vols. 410. Pope's Works, 15 vols. 410. Spencer's Fairy Queen, 3 vols. 410. Dives and Pauper, 1493. Hackluyt's Voyages, 3 vols. Purchas's Pilgrims, 5 vols. Arnold's Chronicle, or Customs of London. Fabian, Grasion, Halle, and Holinshed's Chronicles. Anecdotes of Painting, 4 vols. - Strawberry Hill. Willourbby's Ornithology. Morison Plantarum Historia Universalis Oxoniensis, 2 vols large paper. Vitruvius Britannicus, 5 vols. large paper. Hogarth's Works, finest impressions. Darley's Comic Prints. Kip's Britannia Illustrata, 3 vols. Ionian Antiquities. Wood's Palmyra. Montfaucon's Antiquities. Spence's Polymetis, first edition. Evangelium Sanctum Arabice, 1590, Editio Princeps, a splendid copy. Ciceronis Opera, Oliveti, 9 vols. Platonis, Serrani, 2 vols. large paper. Albertus, Magnus, typis Wilhelmum de Mechlinia. Aratus. Editso Princeps. Lucretius, 1486. Editio princeps. Lactantius, 1478. Martialis, 1475. Ovidius, 1486. Valerius Maximus, 1478. Magna Charta, a curious MS. Illustrious Heads, imperial paper.
General Reference
printed for R. E. Mercier and Co. And may be had in London from Messs. Edwards , Pall-Mall ; Faulder , New Bond-Street ; Hayes , Oxford-Street ; and Payne , Mews-Gate. Broster, Chester; and the principal booksellers of Great Britain and Ireland