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The life and adventures of Roxana, the fortunate mistress, or, most unhappy wife. In three parts. Containing, I An Account of her Birth in France, and coming to England. - II. Her marriage in London with a Brewer, who run out of his Estate, and left her with five Children. - III. Hercohabiting with her Landlord; their Journey to Paris, where he was robbed and murdered. - IV. Her being fell in Love with by the Prince of-; and seeing her husband in the Gens d'arms Guard. The Prince leaves her, &c. - V. The Dealings she had with a Dutch Merchant and a Jew, the latter of whom wanted to defraud her of a great part of her jewels: her going to Rotterdam, where she sees the Dutch Merchant, to whom she soon after became a Bedfellow. - VI. Her Return to England, where she had the Name of Roxana. Her Marriage with the Dutch Merchant in London, who was naturalized and created a Baronet. The Miseries she and her Maid Amy afterwards fell into. Adorned with a curious Print of Roxana, in her Turkish Dress.
Defoe, Daniel (1661?-1731)
Literature and Language
printed for S. Crowder, in Pater-Noster Row, and S. Gamidge, in Worcester